Book reviews
By Joey Yap
Publisher: JY Books, 376 pages
ISBN: 978-9833332540
PROPERTY developers have long been stumped by apartment buyers who play the numbers game, not just the one in which they total up monetary figures but those numerology and feng shui enthusiasts engage in.
You might have heard that we’re now in the period of eight, so we should get a number eight apartment on the eight or 18th floor to best harness all manner of prosperity energies. Or you might be one of those apartment hunters who have been avoiding units numbered four or those located on the fourth, 14th or 24th floor because of the association the number four has with death in the Chinese language.
If so, then Feng Shui for Apartment Buyers-Home Owners has all the answers you need. Written by Joey Yap, best-selling author and world-renowned feng shui consultant and trainer, this is an ideal handbook for apartment hunters who want a simple, systematic guide to buying a new apartment that would be feng shui-compatible.
Read this book and you will discover that apartments numbered eight or located on the eighth floor are not necessarily good for everyone. Similarly, apartments numbered four or located on the fourth floor are not necessarily unlucky.
Whether you’re a feng shui newbie or well-studied enthusiast, you will be sure to find something helpful in this book.
It has interesting new tips and ideas not available in other feng shui books in the market. Some of these easy-to-use yet powerful tips were first unveiled by Yap at the very insightful National Feng Shui Congress he hosted late last year.
Using the guidelines in the book, apartment buyers should be able to eliminate properties with unfavourable feng shui and identify those with favourable feng shui features. At the very least, readers would be able to ensure that they avoid bad feng shui.
Stencils with grids for the Nine Palaces as well as the Eight Pie Chart have been included so that readers can attempt DIY feng shui assessments of their selected properties.
Whole chapters are dedicated to the critically important external forms and the use of flying stars, the former fascinating and the latter intriguing in their own unique significance. Take it from me, it’s very exciting to do the feng shui for your own apartment!
The final section, chapter eight (hmm, is that a coincidence?), is a step-by-step walk through that helps readers to do a complete feng shui assessment on any property. Yap generously shares key methods and techniques employed by professional consultants when they do feng shui audits.
Lest you think this book is for advanced practitioners and professional consultants only, let me assure you that it has neither jargon nor complicated calculations. So if you are a newbie or just someone who is too keen about poring over long texts, this makes quite a speedy read – and is practically impossible to put down if you’re truly interested in feng shui.
Apart from being easy to read and straight to the point like Yap’s other books, this book is well illustrated with coloured pictures, diagrams, and charts.
I won’t be surprised if half the apartment buyers in the Klang Valley actually went around hunting for their prospective properties armed with a copy of this book and renewed confidence in finding a good apartment with favourable feng shui....
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