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A mammoth story

Title: Oscar and Arabella -- Hot, Hot, Hot
Author: Neal Layton
Publisher: Hodder Children's Book

Smarties Book Prize Winner, Neal Layton has managed to present the story of Oscar and Arabella, both woolly mammoths that lived during the Ice Age, with an interesting storyline.

They both enjoy the winter season but hate summer because of the heat and dust and insect attacks.

One summer, it's exceptionally hot and both Oscar and Arabella try all efforts to stay cool, but without much success. They even have a hair cut!

Their new look seems to inspire the other animals -- they, too, decide to do the same. For a while, the animals manage to stay cool until the hot summer is over.

By the time winter arrives, the animals grow back their woolly coats.

At the end of the book, there is a short brief on the Ice Age for the benefit of the readers. But Layton has one confession to make, though. She made up that bit about the combs, mirrors and scissors!

An educational and amusing bedtime story for kids.